Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Frontier Planning

The is the second day of my personal blogging experience, and I found it good to be honest :) before hand I thought it was just a killing time machine for bored ones, well my bad, my intuitions are wrong you should try it too. This day was beautiful, the setting of the atmosphere and sun was so lovely that my friends and I enjoyed it. The humidity and warmth is perfect for downhill skateboarding, so we took advantage of it. We rush into our spot and make the stoke happen, after going downhill we shifted to our next sliding spot were we've practice some slides and pre-drifts and it felt so good, we miss the electric feel of the dry asphalt,it rained for almost 4 days straight  and surely I thank God for this perfect weather. 

After satisfying my taste buds for stoke we've commuted and push from Clark going outside towards Angeles City, almost a eight kilometers of longboard push. It was a nice board time for me and for my friends. After commuting, I went to my next stop and met my events partners and have a formal meeting regarding our next projects. The discussion went so broad and brilliant ideas came out, setting up a different feel of event ( to be announce soon).  Fusing the culture with different touch and feel that will create a new taste for the seers and out-goers. Day two of my personal blogging was not bad, it felt like I'm making a story of my own show. So who ever reads this I will blog something about motorsport drifting and downhill skateboarding. So brace your selves friends. Let's keep in touch Aya!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

First Frontier Enrty

Well this is my first entry for my blog and I found it enjoyable while I'm killing my time out of it. Philippines is one of the prime country that has been affected by climate change. It really does affect us, specially me I'm into outdoors most of the time. Rain comes in a different time period depending on the mood swings in the atmosphere and the heat of the sun here is way off the charts. And the sad part is whenever we go downhill skate boarding it rains, it kills our joy for the moment but oh well what to do let's just make fun out of it "rain skate!!!".

What do we need to do to contribute goodness to this alarming earthly status? , we have to cooperate and not to disintegrate or burn plastics or anything that produces C02 that causes Green house gasses.  Green house gasses are the main players that kills the swings of our joy during our outdoor activity, to be real we cannot eliminate this but we can lessen it by doing and making things right. Even though we commit things roughly and contribute carbon emissions individually, we can lessen this by being cooperative or by simply making our selves aware on the things that hurts earth or not.

We should take care of the things around us. I have experience loosing things and it hurts the realization comes after the lost. Let's all be aware that our earth is depleting and once depleted no more earth, no more skateboarding, no more long boarding, no more action outdoor activities.

We have to win the battle and be victors in this happening.  Let's appreciate everything, once lost bye bye! no more and no more. God has given us authority to rule over this things and what are we doing?  The gig around us is real and actions must be practice. Our atmosphere is our roof and our roof is burning the roof is on fire and we need the water to stop the fire. Everything is real not like the burning plastics it kills. Life is the solution let us make life out of us by giving it to the earth. Let's make and decide action before it's too late.