Saturday, December 1, 2012


Monster Energy Drink releases “Khaos” in the IWWF Philippine 2012 series. An energize drink that gives tons of energy to produce the HYPERNESS , AWESOMENESS and BRUTALNESS all in one drink. 

100% Monster 30% Juice extremely refreshing, zesty and radical, these are the heart that describes when you drink Monster Energy Drink Khaos.
 After three days of action energized by Monster Energy Drink, a group of bemedalled riders from the Europe and Africa Championships basked in glory and split honors in the six-day event backed by Rixen Cableways and IWWF Wakeboard 2020 Vision.
Sanne Meijet of the Netherlands, the reigning E&A titlist, extended her reign to a global scale by topping the girls’ event. Germany’s Vanessa Weinhauer, the runner-up in the E&A, repeated her silver performance in the Clark competitions, while Lottie Harbottle, the No. 2 in the British Nationals, took the bronze.

Like Meijet, Europe-Africal prince Hegadus Akos added the prestigious title of boys’ world champion to his resume. Akos bested Britain’s top two riders, Harry Eames and reigning British champ Ryan Peacock, for the plum.

Frenchman Raphael Menconi duplicated his fellow E&A champions’ feat by ruling the masters division at the worlds, dislodging 2010 champ Wolfram Wagner of Germany for the title. Great Britain’s Lee Mart took third place.

In wakeskate, Israel’s Ori Boujo (junior ladies) and France’s Clément De Prémonville  (junior men’s) reigned supreme.

Boujou defeated Jaimi Oxlade of Australia and Sophie Cordery of Great Britain for the tiara while De Prémonville  stamped his class on two German rivals, Moritz Thiele and Marcel Tilwitz.

Action hits boiling point with Monster Energy Drink in this series. The Khaos of true energy has given stoke to the wake heads and enthusiast. Expect more and Live more with Monster Energy Drink.